Stop the Negativity!

It is disheartening to hear, or read, what the naysayers who continually bashes the leadership of this country say or write. It is toxic, it pulls us all down, it weighs heavily that so many have so little hope for us to get beyond the conditions our country is in now.

Yes, I did use that tired old word "hope". The word that so many spit out as if it was bile in their mouths. It is a good word, without that word, so many would be lost. Deal with it.

The negativity of some news reports, talk shows and bloggers is very disheartening.

It is toxic knowing that some of these people are nothing more than someone else jumping on the coat tails of those who mean our country no good. They become the hoppers on who regurgitates rather than have an individualized way of thinking, only agreeing with what others say, without a thought of their own, how sickening!

The jury is still out on how long it will be before we get from Point A to Point Z, however, there has to be a way to get there, and that path will be filled with bumps and not everyone will be happy with the decisions that are made.

Just because you didn't vote for the President, doesn't mean that you demean those who did. If someone else has an opinion that you don't agree with, having a good old debate sharing views and counter points is a good thing. Insulting and assassinating the characters of the person who is giving their view points, and lumping all those you don't agree with together, is just plain toxic!
Get over yourselves! Give more views on what you think the solution should be, or what you would do were you in the position to do it. Of course, that's if you're not one of those who prefers to mouth off to be heard, or you're a proactive person who would actually do something! So many like to sit and whine and complain, yet they do nothing!

It is toxic to read or hear so many who sits and waits for us to continue to fall into the quagmire that has become our economy. So what if you didn't go out there and create the mess that started all this, it is now affecting so many of us! Do you think hoping that our government fails, that you won't too? The pipe is leaking and will continue to do so until there is a flow that will wash us all into the gutter.

Pray, pray for our recovery. If you are one who doesn't pray, then do that which you do. So that what is left, those who are actually surviving, will continue to do survive, that those of us who are still able to succeed, won't fall too.
