What are you doing in Twitterland?

I'll admit I was clueless as to what Twitter was. I heard the word thrown about, even during the recent election. I've heard it mentioned by talk show hosts, people there, even here. I saw this link in my mailbox account and took a look at it. My review of the link had me laughing. I don't know, I laughed because I am amazed at this and now realise why so many are fascinated with this new 'thing'. My understanding of Twitter is that you basically ask one question of your friends, family or people who you want to know. "What are you doing?" They will give short updates about themselves, little messages telling what they are in fact, doing! In short, telling anyone interested what you're doing at any given time, in 140 words or less, whenever you want!

Amazing! So in other words, anyone or everyone, if you so choose to go public, can know what you're doing every given moment of your life. They can also know what book you're reading, whether you're cooking dinner, etc. Wow! I guess this type of thing wouldn't be for the person who wants to hide from the world then uh?! If a person doesn't want anyone to know where they are, or what they are doing, they are not going to be on Twitter. Of course, for some people, being in the "public eye" is where they like to be, so I guess that this venue is a great vehicle for them!

I laughed again because I wondered who came up with the name, and why that name?! "Twitter" as in twit, twat..ok, ok, I won't go there, but is it possible this is the name because it is just tittering on the edge of something?! I'm sure if I research it I could find out the real meaning, if there's one, and possibly, one of you will tell me what it means!

I have not signed up, yet, nor have I been on the site to see what is going on, but I will, because I'm just as curious as the next person out there.

It is fascinating though. Much like Facebook and other social networking sites, it lets people keep in touch with each other, one more way, than the usual, Email, cellphone, Texting, Internet, IM, etc.

What is next I wonder?


  1. I lurves me the Twitter. I mostly use it to stay caught up with various people who live in my vicinity. We have a lot of fun.

  2. I actually started an account on twitter too, just to try it out!


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