This Bad Economy has a Face

This bad economy has a face, several faces in fact. Especially the faces of children, those little ones, and the older ones too, who used to live in their comfortable homes, with all their toys, and computers, and each in their own rooms, with mommy and/or daddy working, providing for them. Now they are in homeless shelters, because mommy and daddy have lost their jobs. There are many childre who are out there worried that they will be next, their parents will be losing their jobs, and then their homes. It is hard, hard out there for so many.

This bad economy is not just happening to people who made mistakes, there are people who were living their lives, making do, even though some were just existing. All it took was the loss of one paycheck, and sometimes, the two, to make this happen.

This is why it is amazing to me how many people sit on their high horses, and they find faults, and they complain at what is being done, because they are not in the same situation, they could never be (or could they?). Well good for you if you can't ever be. How nice that you wouldn't do what some of those stupid people did. You know how to handle yourself!

Now you get off of your soap box, and let the people who are trying to do something to help so many who need it, do what they can do. This is not about you and your opinions or about what you would do, Because if nothing is done, what will be the results for those people who have fallen and for the many more who are slowly losing their grip on their livelihood?

Even more wide-spread, the loss of jobs, and homes, and sometimes, the separation of families.


  1. I love your entries into the blog world...just so you know.

    By the way,...I e-mailed you a letter last night. Check and see if you got that one. It seems there is a big move in at live journal. Check it out.

  2. Oh yes, i will be following that big move. Is it just for writers or a blog? I will check my email.

  3. Kelly no go on the letter. I sent you an email for you to reply directly to, see if that works!


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