Better The World

Many of you know I have a Twitter account. One of my "Followers" and someone who I follow, is a organization called Better The World. The idea of this site is "surf the web, save the world"! When you surf the Internet you help the charitable causes listed. You can choose the ones you are interested in. I encourage you to join.

I have a Widget that I am trying to load unto this site. I'm a complete failure and obviously need time to figure it out. IN the mean time I'm going to just post it on this blog. Hopefully I can figure how to add it to my side bar. Coaching welcome!lol! Each time you click on it, money is earned for the charity I am interested in. There are three of them I'm interested in and will post those eventually. Until then, click on my sidebar's widget!

And remember friends, there is no pressure for you to give anything, just clicking on it, is giving!
