Fall Hopeful

I will miss the Summer, it was wonderful! We had moments of fun pleasure that we won't forget! Although we live in Sunny Orlando, Florida, the seasons do change here too. It may not be as freezing cold as it is up North, or in the Mid West etc., but the climate becomes cooler and I love it (and sometimes hate it!lol!), however, a change is always good!

Fall officially begins today at 5:24pm! Can you believe that?! I thought that Fall would begin in say, November! Then I realised, wait a minute, that's Winter! So I stand corrected!

When I lived in New York, I really enjoyed the Fall months. I love the crisp air, the trees changing their leaves and colors, the stillness of a New York Autumn day! Living in Florida is a different view, being sunny, 98% of the time and all, but the same feeling of wonder and joy is there.

Can you believe we are almost at the end of another year? Amazing! How about those resolutions you made at the beginning of this year, if you made any, how are they coming along? Did you lose them along the way, or have you, like me, been plodding steadily along? If you haven't been working on those resolutions that you made, it is not too late to begin now. It's almost the end of September, however, you will have the months of October, November and December too! Enough time to begin that journey you planned!

My goal for this year was to lose more weight, and to do that, get on a program and stick with it! You see, I would start, have success, stop, then start, then stop, and the cycle continues. So I found that which I love, walking! I started walking more often, first by myself, and with my daughter (my 7year old) when she felt like it, then decided to continue the journey during my work day. I didn't take lunch break, I would eat and work at my desk, I know unhealthy, and I would not get out much unless I had errands.

This year, I decided to change that! I made a pledge to myself, to get up and start moving more! One of my co-workers joined me, then two, and now up to 11 of us are walking! Isn't that wonderful?! While there are schedule hiccups and other things that do get in the way, we all continue on and walk as often as we can. For me though, it is an everyday thing and when I don't get to do it, I make sure to do something physical, even if it's just walking for 10 mins!

So get out there and continue your resolution journey, or begin it now, Fall is hopeful!
