
I like the quite times, the moments that I get to sit and reflect.  It doesn't happen often. My me-moments are while I'm driving by myself, most times to work; when I'm in the shower (my most reflective) and when I'm sitting at midnight or later when my home is quite. I treasure these moments!

Sometimes they become quite useful, I get a lot done.  Process a lot of my thoughts, create to do lists, continue a  project I started.  Yet there are those times, especially now, when I sit and just vegetate in front of the television! This happens when I'm exhausted, more mentally, than physically.  Sometimes my kids can be a handful-they're really well-behaved, but they too have their moments! I also realize that I've got to slow down, take a deep breath and let go, because I do tend to hang on to stuff at times, even though I know there is ALWAYS divine intervention. I'm just a worry-wart! I'm trying to change.

I've been reflecting on this year, which is almost over, at what I've done with my time, how Ive spent it, and the things I did not get to do, the things I wish that I could do again, and the moments that I let slipped through my fingers. But as always dear readers, it's time to let go of the things we have no control over, and to handle with less stress those we can control. We must continue to get out of our comfort zones, explore, learn, enjoy our lives a little bit more.  We have to because we only have one life to live, and we should live it!
