
Last week was a good week for exercising.  I walked, jog and did other activities everyday. That is a good thing! It keeps my goals moving forward! It's funny but every time I think I'm getting better at this running thing, it feels as if I've just begun! My dream/goal is to just start running, running the course I take and not stopping until I get to the end! I know it will take many weeks of practice to get to that level.  I will keep on trying!

In the mean time, I've started to work out with our Wii Fit again! The kids are all also back on board with getting their activity in! My son Adam likes to joke that the Wii was created especially for people like me, the recreational gamer!  I tell him, Yes and I love it! Look at what owning one does; it helps to keep us in shape and it brings us even closer together!lol!
