Whatever happened to Customer Service?

Seriously! I don't know what is going on these days! You walk in to a store, you are looking around for something, you can't seem to find it, there's no one to ask questions of, no one to say in a friendly tone "can I help you?" Oh no, that would be too much!  Then when you do find someone, asking for an item that is missing, say, a size, the response, "Whatever have is on the floor".  No, "We have all items out on the floor but I will be happy to go check to make sure"!  Is that too much to ask? Really?

I used to be in Retail many years ago.  The main focus of the company I worked with was Customer Service.  We lived, breathed and sold it! The customer was always, ALWAYS right, no matter what! (short of criminal behavior)  These days, the retailers do want your money, want your bodies in their stores and will woo you, but it ends there!

Maybe I'm just too old fashioned in my thinking.  I do wish these Service Industries would go back to basics!  Not just trying to get us to buy their stuff, which is their job to do, but to go the whole nine yards too!  Be an unobtrusive presence for your customer. Not too many people like to be bothered when shopping. But if someone makes themselves be known, "I'm here if you need anything", and don't let you feel like a thief; actually offering to go into the stock area to verify that an item is not in stock; sell their store services; that would be great!

It doesn't stop at clothing stores, but for all Service Industries.  Some workers do not want to be bothered anymore because they don't get paid enough, or they are probably not appreciated by their supervisors, however, that should not stop an individual for being the best at what they do!
