There are no magic pills

But I hear them advertise everyday!  They tell us to take 'this pill' and we will have the fat melt off our bodies.  They show us the super sized body of a woman who looks the way we don't want to acknowledge that maybe, we know how she feels, maybe we look a little like that too.  Then they show the same woman, with her body miraculously transformed!  She's beautiful, smiling, doing nice things, with a guy who is just as gorgeous!  I want that pill, I want that magic pill!

I know taking those diet pills are not good for my body in the long run, but they make it look so easy!  I won't have to watch what I eat, I won't even have to work out, I want it!  But I do know that pills are not the way to go, at least not the ones that makes you drop fat in less time than it took you to pile it on!  I know when the pills are finished, and I stop worrying about what I eat, the fat will pile right back on, and possibly more of it!  I've seen it happen.

I will focus on getting myself fit and in shape the better, healthier way.  I will be mindful of what I eat, and how much I eat and I will continue to work out, no matter how hard it continues to be.  My mind says stop, but my body, my health, needs me to keep this up, and I will, even when I have those moments when I want to quit.  There are no magic pills!
