
I've been thinking and thinking and much on my mind. I'm not writing to my blog enough. I'm not working out enough. I've not gone jogging this week, at all. I've got bills to pay. I've got to find things for my kids to do during the summer break. I've got to get back to my to do list. I'm thinking...

There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to do everything, but they have got to get done. So, I'm thinking as I get half of them done! Balance is needed and I must find it~! Do we, women, put too much on ourselves? Do we take on too much? Why do we have to be the one that do all of the THINKING?!!!

That dear reader is a loaded question which will require some deep and not so deep discussion. We as women already know the answer, don't we?! Enough said!   Assume the position....namaste.
