In the process of dropping off my 8 year old this morning (Amanda) at Summer Camp, I felt a wonderful breeze which made me look up at the sky, realizing how blue it is, how beautiful the day is! I literally "stopped and smell the roses"! Then I whispered a thank you to God because you know what? Despite all of the situation going on in this world, I am thankful to be alive!
Then I came to a wonderful conclusion dear reader, God is good! So I am here to remind you, regardless of whether you believe in my God or not, whatever your belief-system, don't give up on yourself, don't give up on your dreams and keep on trying! Whatever it is that is going on in your life, what ever obstacles you face, grab it by the "balls" and show it who is boss! You might be down right now, but you won't be for long!
Sometimes you have to rollover and play dead, if you know what I mean?! Meaning, ssometimes you have to let some things go if it is not working for you, just let it go and take a deep breath. The opportunity that is yours to take, that moment that will be yours, will present itself again.
Then I came to a wonderful conclusion dear reader, God is good! So I am here to remind you, regardless of whether you believe in my God or not, whatever your belief-system, don't give up on yourself, don't give up on your dreams and keep on trying! Whatever it is that is going on in your life, what ever obstacles you face, grab it by the "balls" and show it who is boss! You might be down right now, but you won't be for long!
Sometimes you have to rollover and play dead, if you know what I mean?! Meaning, ssometimes you have to let some things go if it is not working for you, just let it go and take a deep breath. The opportunity that is yours to take, that moment that will be yours, will present itself again.
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