Is Your Cup Half Full or Half Empty?

How do you look at your life? Do you see it as unfulfilled, dreams deferred? Do you pick at all the things that are wrong, that doesn't go your way and rip 'it' (your life) apart? Or do you give thanks on a regular basis to the one that you serve (believe in), that higher power, in appreciation of the good things you do have in your life?

I'm a little bit of each of these. I tend to go over the top with my woe-is-me whining. I'm gonna just say that up front. I often go “nuts" mentally, trying to figure out how to make things work for me and my family. I often wish that I had all the riches in the world to solve all the problems that often spring up! Then I sit and worry it to proverbial death, stressing myself out! I know that I pray on these things, I bring it to the Lord and leave it in his hands, (don’t you?) and then I’m supposed to not worry right? Nope, I just keep on worrying about it!

You know what magically happens right? Everything somehow works out! I’m always amaze at how that happens! I don’t know why, because I know that through God ALL things are possible! We might not get what we want, when we want it. It might not be the time for you to receive that which you have asked for, but when it is your time to receive that blessing, LOOK OUT cause HE has not forgotten YOU!

When I listen to the news and hear about people who have experience horrific things in their lives, for example, those people in California who sat down to dinner, everyone is home for the evening, and their world suddenly blows up, literally! I whisper a prayer for them, and I am so grateful that I’m healthy, my family is healthy and we are well!

Things like that makes your situation so minuscules compared to what others are going through doesn’t it? I know, I know, I often say well, my heart goes out to whomever has it worse than me but my problems are MY problems and that is my focus! I hear that too. However, I keep reminding myself, that hey, do you know how lucky you are? You are not in a situation that puts your life in danger, or where your loved one is in danger, we each go through different events in our lives that can be very challenging, but, stop stressing and keep on thanking Him! And never give up your faith. Hope, Faith and Love will see us through!
