My kids, the two youngest ones, are on Spring Break, and they are getting on each other's nerve! I should have gotten my youngest, the 9+ year old into a program just for this week. I did try, apparently not hard enough! She just didn't want to go to any 'babysitting' programs this time around! Plus, she promised she would be good! There goes that one! And finding a program for my 16+ year old son has always been very challenging, so I usually leave him to his own devices!
Usually this is not a problem, he has enough interests to entertain himself, while eating me out of house and home! And the big plus was always that his younger sister would be else where and not "in his space". Unfortunately, they are at each other's throat and it is only the third day! They've been off since last Friday - the first two days went rather well! Today, I'm sitting at my desk pulling my hair out trying to resist the urge to run home and get them straightened out!(read knock their heads together) (and no I wouldn't do that, but I want to!lol!) However, I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to run home. They're going to sort this out themselves, they're both old enough to do it, right?! I've talked to both of them at length helping them to 'see' reason. Now I'm going to let it go and continue my day, and the next phone call I receive from them should hopefully mean they're friends again! They usually don't stay mad at each other for too long anyway! Forget the adoption, I'm keeping them!
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