Sleep Challenge(d)

I might be crazy but I've just signed up for the "One Week To a Better Sleep Blogger Challenge"! I never get to bed on time, or within a reasonable time-frame. I do try, but it has been impossible!

Why you ask? Well, do you have kids?  I'm asking!lol!  I don't have very young children, though I do have a 2 year old grandson and his mom makes sure he goes to sleep on schedule. No problem there.  My 16+ son and my 9+ year old daughter on the other hand are very challenging!  They do not BELIEVE IN SLEEPING!  I don't know, maybe they feel they are missing something!  They both have a sleep schedule, a deadline (yes, a deadline) by which time they should be in bed, but most of the times, they never are in bed on time!  Thus, me, sleep on time?  Never!

Another thing is, at the end of the day, night time, when everyone else is asleep, is my time to have some "Me" time!  Sucky, yes, I know, but that's just how y life is!   I do have some "Me" time after work, I workout, it's great, on the days that I do get to workout!  I do try to have that time a lot more than I do make sure I get to sleep on time though!  So, now that I've joined this challenge, I'm going to post the 'sleep challenge button' on my blog-site, then I'm supposed to follow the Challenge and write about my experience....hmmmm, that's asking for trouble, I've not been able to blog for a week straight at a time, for a long time!  Whoa there, this is going to be quite a Challenge and you know what?  I'm looking forward to it!

One Week To Better Sleep Challenge
