We overdo, over process, we over-think! It is all mental! You have to clear your mind, do not think about anything else but your running. In fact, do not even think about your running, just do it, DO IT! You'll see what a difference that makes to how much better you work out. In any kind of activity that you are doing, think about nothing else but that thing that you are doing. Stay focus and you will have a better outcome. That my dear reader is my theory! It's quite simple really, and it is nothing new. We just sometimes forget to do what we know we should.
So free your mind, think of nothing else but that moment you are in, whatever it is, taking an exam, doing a dance recital, having a cooking class, working out, talking to your child, your spouse, you name it, just focus on the task at hand, free your mind and go for it! We all tend to do too many things at once. We have become conditioned to multi-tasking as if we were robots. I do it too, quite often. Sometimes you do get quite a few things done, I'm not going to knock it! But at other times, you get absolutely nothing done! So I guess you have to know when to not multi-task, and when to focus on just one thing. Like me and my running, I free my mind, I focus and I RUN!
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