So I passed her and stopped my vehicle at the traffic light, as I should so as not to impede the traffic around me. Then as she passed by my vehicle, I timed it so that I rolled my window down and asked "Are you OK?" The odd thing was, she glanced up in a bit of surprise, looked at me and said "Yes". Then seemingly, became aware that she was walking in the road, though near the curb, and she stepped up on to the sidewalk and continued on her way.
I'm glad she was OK, whatever "her OK" is. Truthfully though I was shocked at myself that I felt a bit self-conscious that I enquired of her. I thought to myself, why should you feel weird, you're asking someone if they are OK, you were just concerned. I glanced at the other drivers around me, no one seem to have batted an eyelid, and I wondered to myself, was anyone at all concerned, or was it just me?
Then I wondered if our Society was changing so much, were we becoming so blasé, apathetic, indifferent.....'world-weary', that anything seem to be the 'norm'?! We are all going through so much personally, that's the truth. We are overwhelmed with life, and everything in it, and everything we are becoming. I do hope though that we don't forget to show our humanity. I honestly believe we won't, we are God's children after all. But there are times when some of us are so deep within ourselves that we forget that it is alright to show that we care.
[ was a great help with some of the words I used in this article!]
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