I have noticed though, that recently I write about my running workout and then the next blog I write would be about (and what I hope is inspirational & motivating) life in general - how I see it, what it is like for me and motivating us both to not give up!
I like to think that I do practice what I “preach”. That I do “walk the talk” because I really do try to! There are however, times that I don’t, unintentionally. This happens when I lose focus on my goals. It is as if my brain drifts off into a landfill, foggy with dark threatening clouds of mindlessness! I’m like a ship adrift searching for that lighthouse with its ray of guiding light. In a world of fantasy that is what it feels like.
In my reality however, it is the daily happenings of my life that has my focus! I’ve always viewed myself as someone who is mindful of others, helping in whatever way I can; keeping abreast of siblings and friends and extended family, while weaving the web of motherliness on my own immediate family (aka spouse and kids) and of course, with the thing that I do to pay my bills, aka work! And of course in between all that, I try to squeeze time in for all of my interests and dreams!
Staying focus is key and this is what I keep telling myself over and over again to do: “Focus on your heart’s desire”. Because it is what matters. To me, being able to have what my heart desires is exponential! Spinning a web of satisfaction, touching the lives of all who matters to me with its light. Sounds corny doesn’t it?!
The long and short of this particular writing dear readers is that people matters, my creativity is important, how I progress in this life matters. For so many of us it seems as if life has passed us by and we’re trying to catch up with it. I say it isn’t so; we’re not trying to catch up! For so many people, we are carried off by the many distractions around us, we lose focus, and we drift, asleep in the slumber of existing; where just getting through your day is a blessing! Then something happens to shake our reverie, we become alert again, awaken; fresh from the slumber and giving our lives the full attention it deserves!
Our ship sails in to port, safely guided by the light from that lighthouse! This is your time to stay focus so make the best of what you have been given!
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