Getting Old is Not for Wimps!

Gone are the days when I was in my 20's.  I could go out and party all night until 5:00am, get home by 6:00am and then get to work by 9:00am the next day!  Hiking, running to the beach, hanging out with a group of friends...those were the days of my youth! (heck they would still be were I to find another group to hang with!lol! but then I also realize, I do most of my hanging "mommy-style" now!)

Although I can still do these activities being the active person I am, most of the time, I haven't done any of it  because none of my friends are within "hanging out distance" anymore but I definitely won't be staying up all night to then wander into work with only a few hours of sleep, not these days!

Lately, the tender of forty-something have had its moments!  These days I'm more aware of my mortality more than I have ever been before!  Firstly, if only I had listen to Oprah and heeded the advice of the many magazine articles that told me to, and gotten in shape before I hit the big 4-0!  I didn't!  Instead I kept doing a little bit here, losing some there, gaining some back, while being overall a healthy person.  I was not totally focused on getting back to a certain size the way I am today!  However dear reader you know what I say?  Get in shape before you hit 30!  In fact, do it while you're a young twenty-something!  Why? Well, for one thing it takes so much  longer for your body to lose the extra 20/50/80 pounds you have gained in one way or another through the years!  Let's not beat around the bush that number can be higher for some of us.  Personally, I need to lose at least 80 pounds although my hubby would disagree with me!

It is harder to get rid of the fat when you're older, doing it the healthy and normal way of course through exercise and eating right, and your body would love you more because you would be so much more limber!  You would be fitter and more active and wouldn't have to worry that much about your physical well-being!  There is enough for us to worry about with illnesses and other issues that can run rampant with getting older, being overweight which often leads to even more health issues should not be one of them!

So remember GET FIT NOW, don't wait until you're 50 to do it!  Though it is NEVER too late to begin, no matter how old you are!
