During life's many ups and downs? Who do you turn to, when you need to "drop a load", or "let it all out"? Is there anyone in your life who you can just unload on and they will listen, really listen and not judge you but be the sounding board that you need? If there isn't that person, you will need to find one. We all need someone to sound off to, even about the little things that irritate us in our lives.
There are times when some things can wait. The minuscule things might not be as urgent right away, if you can handle them, however, if those little things keeps adding up and building on and turn into one gigantic mountain, then you should take care of the little things in due coarse.
It seems almost a theme lately, in the news, happening to real people, on reality TV, again happening to real people-but to those you wouldn't think have a major problem, and happening all over our globe to most families. People are hurting, and when they hurt, they end up doing things to themselves, sometimes fatally, such as suicide - and this usually hurts the people they leave behind even more. The ones who are left behind are left wondering "Why"? You hear comments of "He/she seemed ok"...."I had no clue something was wrong"; "I just talked to him/her yesterday, he/she seemed fine". But how are we to know unless we are told?! How do you know that the one you love is hurting?

It takes a lot for some people to let go and communicate. Sometimes they don't because they feel that they might be judged for what they are thinking or feeling. Or they might feel that others will not believe what they tell them, or they might feel that there is really no one who they can really, really talk to! You might be quick to say, "well I am" or "I do - I"m here". I'm sure you are, but if you were called upon, would you really listen, or would you put it off? Would you judge what you're hearing or would you commiserate and be the sounding board? Do you really want to know?
With our lives so overwhelmed and filled with technology today, we are all too busy "being present" for the persona online. Too busy trying to build our numbers and trying to be the "next best"...something or other! We're all trying to find our 5-minutes of fame! The person next to you needs you. The person who seems withdrawn and have a lot on their mind, you need to reach out and touch them. Let them know you're there, even if they shrug you off. Really pay attention to the ones in your lives, and listen, LISTEN to anything they have to say. No matter how irritating it is! No matter how irritating they are or how many times you have heard it all before, and if you could just shake them so that they could do something else and move on with their lives! Stop! Take a breath, count to ten and be there. Put down the computer mouse, the iPad and that cell phone. You cannot blame yourself for what another person does. It would be foolish to.
Everyone is different. We are not all made of the same 'cloth' some or more outwardly optimistic and a go-getter. Others are less so. You should even look out for the outwardly optimistic ones, because they too need a shoulder to cry on at times, even for a moment! We all cannot be champions for everyone, but we can be for even one person and make a difference.
There are times when some things can wait. The minuscule things might not be as urgent right away, if you can handle them, however, if those little things keeps adding up and building on and turn into one gigantic mountain, then you should take care of the little things in due coarse.
It seems almost a theme lately, in the news, happening to real people, on reality TV, again happening to real people-but to those you wouldn't think have a major problem, and happening all over our globe to most families. People are hurting, and when they hurt, they end up doing things to themselves, sometimes fatally, such as suicide - and this usually hurts the people they leave behind even more. The ones who are left behind are left wondering "Why"? You hear comments of "He/she seemed ok"...."I had no clue something was wrong"; "I just talked to him/her yesterday, he/she seemed fine". But how are we to know unless we are told?! How do you know that the one you love is hurting?
It takes a lot for some people to let go and communicate. Sometimes they don't because they feel that they might be judged for what they are thinking or feeling. Or they might feel that others will not believe what they tell them, or they might feel that there is really no one who they can really, really talk to! You might be quick to say, "well I am" or "I do - I"m here". I'm sure you are, but if you were called upon, would you really listen, or would you put it off? Would you judge what you're hearing or would you commiserate and be the sounding board? Do you really want to know?
With our lives so overwhelmed and filled with technology today, we are all too busy "being present" for the persona online. Too busy trying to build our numbers and trying to be the "next best"...something or other! We're all trying to find our 5-minutes of fame! The person next to you needs you. The person who seems withdrawn and have a lot on their mind, you need to reach out and touch them. Let them know you're there, even if they shrug you off. Really pay attention to the ones in your lives, and listen, LISTEN to anything they have to say. No matter how irritating it is! No matter how irritating they are or how many times you have heard it all before, and if you could just shake them so that they could do something else and move on with their lives! Stop! Take a breath, count to ten and be there. Put down the computer mouse, the iPad and that cell phone. You cannot blame yourself for what another person does. It would be foolish to.
Everyone is different. We are not all made of the same 'cloth' some or more outwardly optimistic and a go-getter. Others are less so. You should even look out for the outwardly optimistic ones, because they too need a shoulder to cry on at times, even for a moment! We all cannot be champions for everyone, but we can be for even one person and make a difference.
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