
I don't know about you but being a parent can be the most mind-boggling and at the same time the most wonderful thing ever!   There are those times when it tosses you for a loop and you are faced with issues that you just didn't see coming.

That's when you ask yourself where did you go wrong? Why didn't I see this before?  And there is the other side of the coin, feeling that something is wrong and ignoring it, hoping it will go away. That part is definitely not my style!  I like to be involved in my children's lives and I try not to be overbearing.  Truthfully, I will be involved especially if my kids want me to butt out, that's when I will wonder what are they trying to hide?!  I tell them when they begin to pay the bills and provide for the roof over our heads, they can tell me to!  However, no matter how old they are, I don't think I ever will butt out! So they are stuck with me for life.

It is difficult though when there are things happening that you have no control over and no matter what you do, nothing seems to work.  Your child seems helpless, as if their world is falling apart.  This is not the time to sit and wonder or play the blame game.  This is the time to pray and then get the help that is needed to guide both of you to that place of recovery and serenity.  You will have to let your child know that no matter what, they are a good person, they are loved, and you will always be there for them.  Things will happen, you just have to take action and deal with it, in the best way you know how.  No matter what don't let it escalate out of control! Communication is key and keeping those lines open for conversation will always be a good thing!
