I'm in a funk of a mood. A funk that is crawling all over my body and it just won't let go! Or maybe it's the other way around? Maybe I'm the one who won't let the funk go? It just seems as if everything is happening all at once in my life lately. Usually I write to release the stress of it all, but lately it seems as if putting finger to keyboard is just too hard to do! Arrggghhhh...!
I'm not depressed, thank God! I'm just rather frustrated! I know I need to get over myself, I need to and I will, eventually.....get the mojo going, the enlivened, optimistic views flowing! My brain feels warped with so much floating around inside...gosh, this writing should be a poem! Get the juices of my muse roaring.....maybe that will get me out of my funk!
Hmmm, hope you're doing better than I am on this day dear reader. This is one hump day that feels like a Manic Monday!
Hmmm, hope you're doing better than I am on this day dear reader. This is one hump day that feels like a Manic Monday!
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