
 I cannot believe it's already the fourth day in the new year!!! Is it me or is this time going rather quickly?  That's a question I've been asking one person or another and they all respond...
 "it's you!"
 LOL! It does seem like it is though.  Doesn't it?

Hmmmm, I think I realise what's going on.  Yep, it's me, seriously.  I've been doing some deep thinking, and have recently come not just to certain conclusions, but to some obvious decisions recently.  Well, some of them you might realise (for yourself too - I hope), because of the year we've had last year.  I'm not going to repeat how gruelling it has been.  Mind you, maybe not as gruelling as some people have been experiencing.  I know there are so many out there (in the world) who are going through so much, a lot more difficult than me, I totally understand that and feel so empathetic with them.  But I always say, that my experience is my own, it makes it no lesser than anyone else's (and vice versa).

This is a New Year and it is time to really get some of the things I've begun, or perhaps not yet begun, completed.  So you see dear reader, I've been wanting.  Wanting to forge ahead with some of these decisions, and these plans that I have made!  Along with all of this though is a lot of anxiety and once again, my nemesis, distractions!  There are times when it seems that those pesky distractions will never end.  But I look at all of these things as tests.  Testing my patience, my persistence, my confidence; and I plan on winning!  By the Grace of God go I. Fingers crossed!
