If you have a business it is definitely a good thing to do. Wait, perhaps you're wondering what exactly is she talking about? Well, think about it. When you like a product a company offers, don't you usually know what the name of that product is, and don't you usually know which company makes that product? Don't you talk about it if you like it, and have even more discussions if you really LOVE it?!
You share what you know and love about this product (and/or company) with your friends, relatives, neighbors, anyone who would listen? Do you also not identify with the product(s) that you like? We enjoy watching commercials online, or via the television, we recognize what a company is marketing to us, we want to know more about a certain product. We go out of our way, some of the times, to find that product. We do this because that particular company marketed their product to us, they have a particular slogan and image, and they have websites where we go to learn more about their brand. They (companies) do everything to market their products to an audience who will love and enjoy them! This is branding. Because it is not just the company sharing it's products to you, it is also you making the choice to like their products and identifying with their brands! And I've come to realize that it is not only businesses can brand themselves, any individual can too, if they know what they want and what they stand for!
So yes, I've been thinking about it, especially being the budding entrepreneur that I am, being aware of the different strategies "out there" is a good thing! The downfall with this though my dear reader is that you have to know what approach to take and to which website(s) would you go to do your branding. How would you begin and where is the best place to start? Well, I'll make it a bit easier for you. I found some information on the following website which I will link below. You have to think about what it is you want to do, select the right website for you (or your business) and go for it! Now, the rest is up to you. If I have to tell you what your next step should or could be, or even which website you should be on... well, you would have to pay me! ~smile!
Go to the following link to find out more:
The photo above is from the website below where you will learn even more about the topic. http://khansuhel.wordpress.com/2009/02/28/what-is-branding/
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