I may not be perfect

Well dear reader, it's another manic Monday! Wish it was Sunday...or should that be a "fun-day"...hmmm, I guess I have to check the lyrics out, but that's just how I'm feeling today. Are there times when you wish that  you could just say....

a repin copied from my pinterest board -

Don't you want to just feel that way sometimes?  It's even worse when you are telling that to yourself just because!  I mean how can you not feel that way when it seems as if nothing that you do ever turns out right?! But is it really that way?  Doesn't anything ever turns out right, nothing at all?!  What about that small little thing, that most insignificant detail that you might be forgetting?  Something must have gone your way recently?  

Then I saw this which I re-pinned to my board....

                                                         the above re-pinned from a follower-Miranda

Isn't this what so many of us do to ourselves? I'm soooo guilty of this! What I want, what my dreams are, are what I want them to be.  The pictures I do see in my head of how it is supposed to be, yes, I want that! Why can't I have it just like I want it uh? Why, why why?????!!!!!  You see, what we want, and what is good for us, are not the same things. Sure we can dream.  That's a good thing. We can reach for it, work for it, do the things we need to do to obtain them.  However, when you want it and how you want it to be is not necessarily how God sees it for you. Yes, the big one upstairs (or all around us) If you dont' believe anything I say, that's ok, but looking at it from a logical point of view, sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to!  We end up getting what we want, most of the time, but if it is not immediate, it comes when you are good and ready for it.  I find this to be the way it always is for most of us. Whether we like to acknowledge this or not.

You have to remember that you are not alone. But you must also remember that God doesn't want you to just sit there and wait on him.....

                                                         from my pinterest board re-pinned from Miranda

Yeah, you have to keep moving and you have to not think about what other people say. Because they don't always mean you well. And especially if you're doing soemthing different, something that will change your life for the better.  Just keep it moving!

Finally, my lovely litteliest of sisters (the baby in the family) sent me this reminder in an email that I so needed to be reminded of today......

Please read this sentence carefully

When God takes something from your grasp. He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence.

 There are times when we fight and fight and fight this.  We don't want to lose what we have because we are comfortable.  Even worse is if when you have worked really hard to get to where you are, and have what you do.  Then the shit hits the fan and it's all gone!  It's normal for us not to like change.  Why should we want change when we're comfortable.  Even when it is not good for us to be where we are sitting.  That spot you are in that you know deep within yourself that you need to change for you, to make your life better.  We get comfortable in our pain, in our failure, in our inability to function.  You can't keep doing that.  I can't keep doing that.  So get yourself up, read the sentence above carefully, and keep you moving forward!

And my dearest reader, if you have gotten to the end of my rather long writing for today....just remember...

"you may not be perfect, but you're pretty darn awesome"!!!!!! (have no clue where those words came from, but I LIKE it!

