I've often said dear reader that you should never let anyone make you feel less than who you are. Why? Well, because you, my dear reader are an AWESOME person, that is why! You are not only an AWESOME person, you are a CREATIVE and TALENTED individual! How do I know this since I don't even know you personally? Well, you read my blog don't you? (so you're awesome and intelligent too!) ~smile~
That was me trying to be funny and cute! But seriously dear reader, we were each wonderfully and beautifully made by God (yes, by way of our parents). But he created us, agreed?! Each of us have one talent, one creative spark in us that perhaps we haven't found how to use yet. Perhaps it lies dormant inside of you and you have yet to tap into it! Anything, any ideas, any sense of yourself that you have, don't be afraid to use it. Don't be afraid to show it. And especially don't let anyone ever tell you that you are useless. That's a lie so do not listen to negativity, ever!
Negativity will make you feel bad about yourself. It will have you comparing yourself to others and this might discourage you. Don't ever use the words, "I can't", or "I'm not talented like you". We each have our own talent. A talent that we must learn to use and harness for our own success. There are times too when we seem to be gifted with so much talent and creativity that we are unable to choose which one to be better at. Look at each of your gift (talent), which one gives you the most pleasure? Which one do you visualize yourself using no matter what, it will be what you want to be doing for the rest of your life? Take that talent and "run" with it. Make it into your dream!
That was me trying to be funny and cute! But seriously dear reader, we were each wonderfully and beautifully made by God (yes, by way of our parents). But he created us, agreed?! Each of us have one talent, one creative spark in us that perhaps we haven't found how to use yet. Perhaps it lies dormant inside of you and you have yet to tap into it! Anything, any ideas, any sense of yourself that you have, don't be afraid to use it. Don't be afraid to show it. And especially don't let anyone ever tell you that you are useless. That's a lie so do not listen to negativity, ever!
Negativity will make you feel bad about yourself. It will have you comparing yourself to others and this might discourage you. Don't ever use the words, "I can't", or "I'm not talented like you". We each have our own talent. A talent that we must learn to use and harness for our own success. There are times too when we seem to be gifted with so much talent and creativity that we are unable to choose which one to be better at. Look at each of your gift (talent), which one gives you the most pleasure? Which one do you visualize yourself using no matter what, it will be what you want to be doing for the rest of your life? Take that talent and "run" with it. Make it into your dream!
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