excessive pride in one's appearance, qualities, abilities,achievements, etc.; character or quality of being vain; conceit: Failure to be elected was a great blow to his vanity.2.
an instance or display of this quality or feeling.4.
lack of real value; hollowness; worthlessness: the vanity of aselfish life.5.
something worthless, trivial, or pointless.
The word vanity was upfront in my mind today as I sat in the dentist's chair trying to decide whether I was going to keep the half-shell of one of my canines, to preserve what's left of my once beautiful smile. Or, to loose another tooth, as age and life takes its course on me. dentist, the wonderful man he is, gave me a moment to really think about it, (even leaving me w/a hand mirror)! Do I let him go ahead and fix my tooth, in the best way he can, to "cover up" the shell that remains w/a bit of false filling which might, MIGHT last for two months, then I would be back in his chair again, removing said tooth. OR do I let him go ahead and remove the offending remains?
It was quite a conundrum, but I made a choice, which I know was the right one. I had him remove the tooth! Oy! So, another gap in my mouth. Oh I miss the days of my youth when my smile was to die for! I had the most beautiful of smile, with the whitest teeth ever! That's because our mom and dad made sure we visited the dentist regularly. We never missed an appointment, even if we wanted to get out of it! There was even that one time, when I developed a cavity. Shocking, after all that care, a CAVITY! Which gave me such a bad toothache, my father couldn't take it anymore, we rode around in my cousin Prem's car, looking for a dentist, on a Saturday, which back then in Jamaica, no dentist was opened on the weekend! When we couldn't find one and had to return home, my dad was ready to take his pliers and do the deed himself! He didn't have to though. I can't remember quite what happened after, but I believe somehow, we got in to see a dentist and the offending tooth was removed!
Back then it didn't matter to me what I looked like! Today, being a grown up, I can be vain, and I'm not ashamed to admit that! If knowing that I look good; that I present myself in a presentable manner and look attractive enough to go wherever I'm going with confidence is vain, then color me that way! While by today's standards my looks might not be one that pleases everyone, by my standards, I dress to please myself and how I look does matter to me. While I'm not chained to my mirror and I don't consider my habits excessive, I definitely am not selfish about it!
I am not afraid to go out in my tie-head (a wrap for your hair to protect it-usually worn for sleeping) or to jump in the car in my PJ's to do a quick drop off during "mommy-duties", so I know I can't be all too bad!
No makeup, in my headwrap
In the upcoming months I will be working on having my smile better, as per my dentist, "You're a good looking woman and we can get your smile to where you will be more confident"! Tee hee..
before my canine came out
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