
Do you ever wonder dear readers why some people are in the position they are in life? Why they seem to stay where they are, not moving, no improvement, no progress at all?  Have you ever given that a thought?

While there are people who are stuck in their own lives and have possibly "spread their bed" and thus remain as they are with no progress what-so-ever, due to their own inabilities. There are those who have tried to move on, who have fought tooth and nail and done all in their power to get ahead, carving out a little space in their corner of the world, with success in mind, and all to no avail.

You know why they don't get anywhere?  Because there are people who do nothing but suck the life and willpower out of them. These monsters in sheep clothing do nothing but impose themselves on Society and the people in their range.  Instead of uplifting and encouraging others to progress as far as they can, these monsters take pleasure (a perverse one at that!) in tearing down anyone around them! These are the people who will seemingly always get ahead, they have the power to do whatever they want, and it seems as if nothing can touch them.  In essence, they are God!

But the same way that many things that were in the "dark" unbeknownst to all and sundry.  Those amongst us who are just doing what they want, not caring who they hurt or how many they hurt. The scammers, the cheats, the abusers, the terrors of humanity; the light is shining on them, one by one, by one, by one.  The people who have suffered under the tyranny of these perverse ones, will get justice. Because there is a God, a true God who has promised those who turn the other cheek, will be rewarded.
