Still Fit?

Well, I'm checking up on myself dear reader. It has been a very busy period between graduations, birthday parties get-togethers and moving!  Of course, the daily grind continues so there is never a dull moment in my life! I can't say that I'm complaining, nope, I'm not!  This is just a review and catch up on what is going on with me and my road to fitness.

Recently I mentioned that I lost seven pounds. Wait, I did, didn't I?  I know I mentioned it somewhere...perhaps on my Facebook and maybe even on Twitter! Anyway, yesterday I weighed myself again, and found that I was still seven pounds lighter - do the crazy dance!!!! I'm happy that I have kept it off despite all of my recent activities.

The one thing I do realize though is the tightness of my body is not the same.  What I mean by that is, as you're working out, doing your daily fitness exercises, you are not just losing fat, you're gaining muscles and your body is getting taunt (tight).  Well, my body is not looking as taut as it did when I was actively working out!  That wasn't TMI was it (i.e., too much information)?. It does happen though doesn't it?!  You will not really feel at your best unless you're doing what you normally do to get there.   Perhaps we're wired wrong in that we psyche ourselves out no matter how well we are doing, wouldn't you agree?!  Let's table that discussion about our psyche for another time.

In the meantime to get back to the topic at hand, I'm still FIT regardless!  So, I've begun to work out again.  I've changed my routine which is always good to do.  Instead of biking, I'm using the Fitness Disc which will help to tone me all over, especially my lower body.  I am also using a Exercise stretch band and a 5lb-weight for upper body workouts with concentration on my arms.  Have you seen how bad your arms get after you've reached a certain age...if you don't workout?  Uh uh....this is why I so admire Michele Obama and women like her who do stick to their fitness routines, and who even after a certain age, are looking as good as they ever did when they were younger!

Yes, I know I can seek out a personal trainer, and I can get on one of those diet-chain plan but that's not the way I want to go.  I don't want to lose it all and then pile it back on when I have a slip up!  While I've not ruled out working with a personal trainer, for now I will continue to go at my own speed on MY fitness journey!
