Thoughtful Pins

I have a Pinboard called "Thoughtful" where I pin words or phrases, or anything written that is thoughtful and makes you really think, or even feel good when you've read it.  Here are some of those pins!

This one I pinned today from a FB follow.

Sometimes you can be humble, depending on the circumstance (because you know there are times when you HAVE TO really stand tall and fight for what's yours - so you can't be humble then!), and ALWAYS remain positive!

This one made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!! 

I try to be most of the times.  Think about it, if ever you can be that act of KINDNESS, just do it! :)

No words needed here, nuff said! LOL!

I might have shared this one in a previous posting, it's something to remember though!  Let go of what you think and go with what you know!

This is lovely, makes me go "aaaahhhhh ~ sigh~" If anyone thinks of you this way, WOW, you are loved! 

However, more importantly, YOU have to think of YOURSELF in this manner.  You have to think that you are a "Work of Art", always a work in progress, always making things work for you in your life!  You have to love you too, and yes, YOU are WORTH IT!  So, KICK self-doubt and negativity to the door!!!! 
