"What the.... hey...?!"

I'm trying to update my blog profile.  I like that making the changes, edits and photo changes and saving them will update all three of my Google/Blogger blogs!  I dislike that when I make the changes I do, something is a-miss and the photo I selected, is not the one that is saved overall!????

It takes time to update your information.  It can be a very frustrating and tedious thing.  Why is it that with all of this technology and different features available online with these vast and varied programs, the procedure itself isn't simpler?! I've grown weary of sitting for too long and will re-visit this issue another time!

As you time goes on dear readers, don't you find that your outlook in life changes, sometimes your goals changes and you redirect your focus to something else?  This is why it is good to do a "life-check" just to see where you are, and if you are headed on the right path, or even to see if the path you are on, is where you want to be!  That's the one thing that I didn't do.  As a working mom, and a wife, I got caught up in living, surviving, and dealing with issues coming at me.  The goals I had 10 (even 20) years ago, or not the ones I have today!  My overall goal remains, but some of it has changed.

As an upwardly mobile individual who one day dreams of running your own company, or being the CEO of someone elses', perhaps even having that corner office you've had your eye on; don't stop reaching for your dream. Stay focus and do keep a checklist to keep tabs and see where you are with your life goals!
