"You talking to me"?

What is it about us humans why we can't seem to do one thing at a time and be content?  Why is it we are always in a rush?  No matter how much some of us try not to, we are always multi-tasking.  If you're a part of Generation Y, you have heard this word before, right? So you know what I mean! (not just us Generation Xers!)

It is what many of us seem to do every minute of everyday, doing more than one thing (task) at a time!  Hands up if you can point out how many times you find yourself doing this? How often? Guilty!lol! Sometimes it has nothing to do with me being impatient.  It does have a lot with me not having enough time in the day to do the many things on my "To Do" list!  Even when I sit down to enjoy my favorite television program, I'm doing something else at that time too!  What's that?!

A prime example, I'm here typing this, guess what I'm doing?  My nails!!!! Ha! And they're already painted and drying while I type this! Seriously? Uh uh! We seem to do it without realizing it dear reader because it has become a nasty habit! Just recently I caught myself with phone in hand, while my hubby is having a conversation with me, thumbing through my phone, texting, checking Facebook, looking at my email, all while he talks to me and I responded....I think I did so correctly, and then I realized what I was doing and guiltily put the phone down! What's that?!!! A bad habit that's what!

Caption from HOT105 via Hootsuite
Then I saw this posted on Facebook which was a wake-up call of sorts that I promptly re-posted, sharing on my page -
it is so true!

I know we have a lot on our plate, but we have to stop dividing our attention in this manner.  Once upon a time it was seemingly good for our brain to multi-task, but in today's world our brain is in overdrive! I read recently that you shouldn't put the word "multi-task" on your Resume (Curriculum Vitae)!  There's a reason for this, it shows we are not paying attention!  It's hard not to attempt to do the many things we want to accomplish in a day; but let's try to remember, we have to show that we care by focusing on who we are with in that moment, and on what it is that we are doing, one moment, one task at a time!
