Breaking Point?

There are times when I'm encouraging you dear reader, that I am also encouraging myself.  My blog is my journal of my life.  I let you into my world, sometimes I get personal, sometimes I don't.  I will be honest and say that there are times when I try to keep it light, to keep it from being just a journal of my life, because I see how successful other blogs are, and I compare mine to theres. I don't do the give-a-ways, I don't receive blog awards, I don't have a gazillion comments from adoring followers...basically, much like my life, it seems that I have no friends.

Then I stop and admonish myself by telling myself to stop the pity party!  I tell myself to remember the real reason I started to blog. I just need to remember to be true to myself and who I really am!  So my blog will continue to be my journal, sharing my life, interests, opinions, Me, me, me...! Wheeee! (cue crazy laugh)

I remind myself that I do have friends, in real life and online as well.  Sometimes my friends are busy, and they don't always remember that hey, Donna blogs!  Who has time to read anyway, Facebook is better!lol! Plus by the numbers, if they are actually true, and Google doesn't lie does it?  I have a few fans around the world, Russia, Netherlands, Brazil, Japan, Hong Kong, UK, France, India, and in other places that I'm not even mentioning...and of course, here at home in the USA!

And as I've said before, when I begin to write, my articles usually end up in ways I don't always intend to go.  For example, I started out this writing because, yes I was feeling a bit sorry for myself, I'm not ashamed to admit that? What? You've never felt that way?  I wanted to get my feelings out, because I was wondering if I was reaching my breaking point?  Or going through a mid life crises?! Last week my family and I went through some personal stuff, things I won't go into because it didn't just affect me and to keep the privacy, somewhat, of others.  Anyway, this episode in the life of me, got me thinking and wondering what exactly am I doing with my life right now? Where do I go? Do I make changes...again?  This time should I just go for it and do what the hell it is that I've wanted to do? Or do I just do the mom thing and continue to take the safe route so that my family is safe, as they must always be at the forefront of my mind.

Life is short. I'm always telling you that dear reader, and that is so true.  A friend of the family also passed away, in the midst of everything going on. Just three days ago. Just like that, diagnosed w/stage four of a cancer and not realizing that you're ill but going about your life until you're stopped in your tracks.  So yes, Life IS SHORT!

Live it, love, laugh, dance!  Make the decisions you do for YOU, take chances, don't be afraid to step out!  Don't keep questioning yourself, especially DO NOT KEEP QUESTIONING GOD!  Whatever he puts in your mind, that back part of your brain where your sub-conscious is, (I think that's where it is) that which keeps being repeated, over and over and over...LISTEN.  So like you, I will.  I will remember the affirmations we talked about in one of  my previous blogs. And I won't be afraid to keep stepping out in Faith. I'm learning that I am afraid of what I cannot control, even though I talk about letting go.  It's sometimes hard to do.  But we've got to do it, we've got to stop questioning and second-guessing, be still and know that God is here. That is all!

If you've come to the end of this rather long writing dear reader....thank you for reading with me.  I hope it doesn't come off as me going mental!lol! But you know what, I'm not going to edit, or erase, or hide it. These are my thoughts today, my journal, and I'm at peace with myself for having stayed true to me.
