I'm doing it!

I'm back on the workout again, going to the gym, using dumbbells and the weights machines and running on the treadmill.  It's only been day two so let me not gloat too much!  I plan on keeping up with my workout because I really need it! It's been so difficult lately to actually work out! For the Summer I've been swimming.
And working out in the pool.  However because of the Monsoon type rainfall we have been having over the since Spring, getting on a regular schedule have been difficult to swim or to even ride my bike! I noticed that I wasn't as toned as I have been since working out and losing 37 pounds.  Nope, I haven't lost anymore, yet, but I don't want to put those pounds back on so I've got to keep my body moving by being as physical as possible!  Although I love to eat, I've been keeping myself under control so as not to put too much weight back on.  Thus I've been fluctuating between gaining only two to four pounds since I stopped working out as regularly.

My plan goals are to go to the gym at least three times weekly and I will also fit in swimming and biking as the weather permits!  I'm going to  try  get my body to the best fitness level I can!  Are you with me dear reader?  Or have you totally given up on your fitness quest for this year?  Hopefully if you have been like me, inconsistent with your workout, you will begin again.  It is never too late to start all over if you have to!  So get to it!


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