I've been keeping up, as I write about sometimes. However, there are times when things go askew and I seem to be running to catch up with time and everything else in my life!
Some of you know that it's not easy being a working mom, wife, and in between trying to fit myself in there, somehow. It's never an easy fete making it all work and it is not for lack of trying, and I will keep on trying to make it happen! The thing I'm learning is to not lose sight of my goals and what it is I'm trying to accomplish. You've read me talk about this, I know. But when you have your spouse, your kids, your best friend(s) and your own life to keep track of, throw in an extended relative or two, oh, and how can I forget work?! Sometimes it doesn't all work out! You will lose focus and forget about what you really want to accomplish!
I've set out to accomplish some personal goals this year and I write about my progress on my 366 days project blogger page. As you can see, it's not going quite as planned! But I am not giving up, and I will never give up! I'm a stickler for punishment and have to finish what I started!
Sometimes if you can't get it all done, aim a little lower and accomplish at least one or two items at a time. We can get so much more done when we focus on one task, get it completed and move on to the next! That's what I'm striving for! So while I focus on getting my son into college, that task is almost complete - he received his acceptance letter! (No, I'm not like some who cross all their "T's" and dot all of their "I's", having had that completed since their child was probably 16!) But it's done! (+ this is going to be my second child in college)! My next task is to get my daughter into her new elementary school! I know I'm at the bottom of the list again! But you know what? Just accomplishing the tasks at hand, and having them set, puts a big ole smile on my face and I can move on to my self-goals with more zest!
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