Here's to You

For living your life, your dreams. For staying true to yourself. For being who you are, despite what everyone else may think. Because although it might seem important that they do tell you what to do. They give advice and put their "two cents" in; and it is alright for you to listen, to hear them out; but you don't have to do things their way.

Do things your way. Follow your instincts, the voice inside your head aka, your conscience that usually tells you what is right from wrong.  The feeling that you get deep inside that yells at you "Dang, you should have done that" or "Nope, not a good idea" or "Just go for it"!   What others do and the way they do it might not always be the best thing for you.  You know what is good for you, whether you realize it or not. Sometimes we make mistakes, yes, we fall.  But then when you arise out of the deep depths of that despair that you have made, you realize that you can do this again. You can take the chance and do what you've been dreaming of all this time!  Stop letting others get in your way. Do not let them dictate to you what you do with your life.  Do not live their dreams, live your own.

Sometimes the circumstances in our lives dictates to us what we must do for a moment, that period when you have to suffer through certain things.  But it is this which will lead you to your greatest accomplishments.  Your steadfastness and perseverance will get you there! You will climb every hill, crawl through the feelings of despair and loss that you will feel to find that flower that opens and blossoms for you.  I realize my writing today maybe filled with metaphors and probably things that make you wonder what I'm talking about! ~smile~  I hear ya, sometimes I get that way, talking blah, blah, blah....uh?  Seriously though, the point of all this is for you, to listen to yourself, keep your eyes on your dreams. It will get harder at times, it will seems as if you won't get to that point that you're striving for.  There will be people who get in your way, even those you love. Don't mind them, don't let them get to you.  Pray, keep your spirit by trusting God; and yourself. Remember, as I always say, keep it moving!
