Life Get's in the Way
At times it does dear reader. Life gets in the way of all of the plans you make. We're not lazy. Absolutely not! Well, I guess, truthfully, I can only speak for myself.  I can honestly say that I'm not lazy.  I procrastinate at times, yes I do. But when there are things that need to get done, they get completed!

That being said, there are just those times that life does get in the way of my plans. Whenever that happens, it's as if I come to a full stop, I stand still.  But instead of "listening" to myself, as in, focusing on my inner thoughts, as in, what I hear inside of my head (not because I'm going crazy) but actually listening to my instincts telling me what to do next, I go off the deep end scampering around getting at what caused me to lose focus in the first place; fixing that situation, and then taking a moment to breathe....the wrong thing to do!

It is the wrong thing to do because instead of forging ahead and getting myself back on target, this moment that I take, not a relaxing, down-time either, but rather, an OMG the crises came, I handled it....I'm still in defence-mode, waiting for the next "attack"; waiting, and waiting, and waiting! You get my drift?!

Do you see any of yourself in this kind of behaviour? If you do, then it's time we fix this situation, don't you think?  I've been thinking a lot lately about what is it that's holding me back from my own greatness?  I've identified it.  It's me! Yep, I'm sabotaging myself, not deliberately, not because I don't want to succeed but because I've gotten so used to taking care of everybody else, I've lost myself in the equation. While this is not a bad thing, because that's what being a mom is all about.  But it is what shouldn't be. We sometimes forget ourselves. It's something that I find myself doing over and over again. It's time to stop doing that.  It's time to let me in on the equation.  It doesn't mean that I won't be there for them, family, friends, etc.  It just means that you and I will become better, stronger, achieve the targets we've set for ourselves, and become better for it. We'll continue to be the glue that holds our life together.  We've got to teach those we love that they won't sink, they'll float because no matter what, you've got their backs!

This is not only from the people who are closest to you, this goes for those who are on the outside as well; because what they do also impacts you.  We cannot continue to let others lack of faith in themselves continue to hold us prisoners.  Keeping you in where they think you should be.  No!  We have to pull out of that quagmire of indifference!  Indifference is just as bad as ignorance, both keeping you at bay, boxed in and unable to move!  Have you noticed that I didn't say procrastination does that?  Because it doesn't!  Procrastination is what you do when you don't want to face up to certain realities that you have to.  But eventually you do realize it, come to terms with it, and you move forward.  Other people's Ignorance and indifference keeps you chained to your past.  What they do keep you chain to their wall of barriers that makes them feel they have the power over you to keep you from becoming who you are meant to be.  You continue to be their projection, even from your very own self.

So let's change this. Take one step towards what you want to accomplish, get it done, check it off your list and see what a difference this makes!  Are you with me on this one?  Remember you're  not doing this for me.  YOU are doing this for YOU!  As I am doing this for ME!  So let's KICK ASS!


  1. Ahhh I see what you mean now! You have a much better attitude about tackling procrastination than I do! But i agree with you--it is in a way self-sabotage. For 8 months I have been sitting in a half- finished query letter for a non fiction book I've written--I just can't seem to finish the letter and send it out to lit. is just sitting here... waiting...don't know why I can't seem to complete it!! Guess I need to look deep inside myself to figure out what is holding me back!

  2. Hi Marcie! Yep, I had to do some soul searching on myself too. It's like I got comfortable with the normal of always operating in "defense mode". I fix one thing, and sit and wait for the next big emergency, while what I actually need to do sits dormant waiting for my attention. We operate in our own dysfunction....~sigh~. I'm getting back into self-motivation mode no matter what I've got to keep it going! Good luck with your letter, now get with it and mail it out - TODAY! :-)


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