
Are like gossip.  Spreads like wildfire with seemingly no end in sight. It starts with one sentence, which sometimes gets twisted in various ways, until it's distorted beyond recognition.  It isn't nice to gossip, but we all do it, most of us anyway!  It's not nice to spread rumors, yet, again, most of us do so, sometimes, without realizing that is what we are doing!  We listen to it, even though we might realize that what is being said is not true, "it can't it?" We might even question ourselves (or the person passing the news on)!

If this is the case, why is it that we never find the source of the rumors, to see why and how it gets started?  Or to find the victim of what is being said about?  Because that person is a victim wouldn't you agree dear reader? There's nothing worse than having "stories" told about you, especially when you know they aren't true.  Yet, we listen, and we believe, and perhaps we too might even spread a little of the rumors!

Is this what makes the world, our Society?  Does it keeps us one step ahead of others who may not know what we know, and we feel that we have some big knowledge that will help us to get over on them or the victim of these rumors?  It is never a good thing to slander others and yet this is what is done time and again not just by the Media (television, newspaper, Internet) but sometimes by me and you.

We need to stop and think about what we do in our daily lives because what we do can hurt others.  It will ruin reputation. It will ruin lives. Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions when you hear something being bandied about (or being said) about someone who you may or may not know! It is good to give someone the benefit of a doubt, for us to challenge what we hear, and what is being said.  Get to know the individual if you can, see for yourself instead.  There are times in some people's lives when things aren't quite right. They can't seem to get it together. However, you and I don't know what goes on, what is it that really affects them? Giving someone a chance is the same as God letting you get yourself together, giving you chance after chance, and forgiving you each time. All you have to do is ask, and He does.  So why can't you do the same for someone else?
