I'm tired. I'm up late again and I'm tired. I'm glad I managed to work out today. Riding my bike is not only fun, it's exhilarating! I love to dance, LOVE TO DANCE. Once upon a time I was in a dance group. Yep, me!lol! My kids get a kick out of hearing this from me, especially my youngest! When I tell her how much her dad and I used to dance, she's in shock! I laugh at the expression on her face! We used to be really active people, hubby and I. We used to close the club we hung out in down...until closing of course! In fact, were we to visit Jamaica right now, we would be club hopping....one of the things to do there, have a ball going to the clubs! But yes, dancing in a group of four other girls, I used to do that! I also love to run, as I've repeated many times! I like the feeling I get. I love getting "lost in my head"! I don't do that enough, just letting go, even though I'm learning to do it in my own time, (and yes, I repeat it to you too, a lot!lol!)
I enjoy swimming, though I'm not a great swimmer. Those are a few of the physical workouts I enjoy doing. Making time to do any of them, is always a good thing for me. Hubby and I and our youngest went bike riding today. Anyway, it's late, and I'm tired so I'm off to bed. I don't even know why I started to write? In fact, my writing has ended up in a totally different tangent! Ahh well!
It is very important for your health and to include in your fitness routine, getting enough sleep. I'm whining a bit about my blog because I'm still having problems with it. I've updated the look of each blog, but I can't edit my pages yet. At least I can still post! I'll have to look into this further when I have more time. Good grief, I tell ya, there's not enough time in the day for me to do the things I want to do, much less those I have to do! Oh, today I went to a great celebration lunch, a formal one and it was pretty darn good! You see what happens when I'm tired, I get totally random and I talk even more than I do so often already!lol! Now off to bed!
I enjoy swimming, though I'm not a great swimmer. Those are a few of the physical workouts I enjoy doing. Making time to do any of them, is always a good thing for me. Hubby and I and our youngest went bike riding today. Anyway, it's late, and I'm tired so I'm off to bed. I don't even know why I started to write? In fact, my writing has ended up in a totally different tangent! Ahh well!
It is very important for your health and to include in your fitness routine, getting enough sleep. I'm whining a bit about my blog because I'm still having problems with it. I've updated the look of each blog, but I can't edit my pages yet. At least I can still post! I'll have to look into this further when I have more time. Good grief, I tell ya, there's not enough time in the day for me to do the things I want to do, much less those I have to do! Oh, today I went to a great celebration lunch, a formal one and it was pretty darn good! You see what happens when I'm tired, I get totally random and I talk even more than I do so often already!lol! Now off to bed!
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