Musical Obsession - Cold Play - Mylo Xyloto

It's Friday, TGIF!!! Today is the second to last installment of my Musical Obsession week!  Yep, if you've been with me all week dear readers, this is a full-blown effect of my musical obsession series!

What makes this world go around?  A simple question, but one that is asked quite often wouldn't you agree?  The answer that is often the response?  "Love"!  Yes, Love! I agree. Without love what are we?  Without love our world goes down in see what not having love does to others around the world!  It isn't just a lovers intimate love that I'm talking about.  It is the love of one person for another, sisterly, brotherly, undefined love!  Love knows no boundary.  When it comes to loving someone, as in "boy-girl-romance" we don't often choose whom we fall in love with.  We fall in love, sometimes deeply, with people we don't know.  If we're lucky, that feeling is reciprocated!  To me, love has no race, it is a God given gift, to be able to express yourself in that way.  We can sometimes choose who to love, but there are those whom love is chosen for.

On another note, I love animation and comics!  Cold Play is one of the musical groups/band whose talent, much like love abounds endlessly!  Plus their front man is quite a tall drink of water, if you know what I mean! (lucky gal Gwyneth - whom I happen to have a love-hate-relationship with, in my own mind as I don't personally know her..I love her work & her style (sometimes) but she opens her mouth and whammo!!)  Anyway, her man and his band, their music video to their album, Mylo Xyloto.  The song is Hurts Like Heaven!  The video is about Love, so that is why I've chosen it. Because Love wins, almost all of the time!  I love hearing stories of two people who meet each other, fall in love, breaks up, then find each other again after years...and a lifetime!  Romantic!  Though that wasn't quite the case in this video, this is love found, fought for and won over all obstacles!  I've not seen the comic, but hope to at some point seek it out! Without further ado, for your musical treat dear readers...have a wonderful Friday!!!!

Music uploaded from I do not own the song, lyrics or rights to this video.  The music is being used to showcase musicality and love of music. You can watch the video directly at
