Musical Obsession - Reggae - Damian Marley

So dear readers, I realized I did you guys a disservice when I didn't feature any Reggae music in my Musical Obsession week!  How could I not? There just wasn't enough time to do all the genres I love. But the good thing is, I can introduce some of you to my birth country's music through my Friday-weekly musicality!  Did I just sound like one of those fancy-talking emcees to you?!lol!  They use words like "musicality" and any ending in "..ic" a lot; e.g., "copacetic" is a favorite too!

I love the Marleys. It started with their dad Bob, and his children have carried on his musical legacy throughout the years.  I don't listen to Reggae music as much as I should to become more used to it again (or "more familiar" is a term you would understand), here in Florida, I have to seek the music genre out, play it myself to find the songs and artistes I love. They don't play Reggae on the radio everyday or often!

Damian Marley is Bob Marley's son and he's so easy on the eyes, in other words, he's a good looking chap!lol!  Some facts about him:

"Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley (born July 21, 1978) is a three-time Grammy award winning Jamaican reggae artist.[1] Damian is the youngest son of Bob Marley.
Damian was two years old when his father, Bob Marley, died; he is the only child born to Marley and Cindy BreakspeareMiss World1976. Damian's nickname Junior Gong is derived from his father's nickname of Tuff Gong. Marley has been performing since the age of 13. He shares, along with most of his family, a full-time career in music." from -

You can go to and search for Damian Marley and find more songs of his.  You can also type "Reggae" (not Reggaeton) into the search box for more suggestions for this genre!

Music uploaded from I do not own the song, lyrics or rights to this video.  The music is being used to showcase musicality and love of music. You can watch the video directly at
