Saturday Treat - Musical Obsession - Mumford & Sons

"and I will wait, I will wait for you....."  I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons.  I discovered this group, a couple of months ago, earlier this year.  Saw them on TV, don't remember which...oh yeah, on VH1, the bastions of music!  I've discovered some great music on VH1 and rediscovered those I love, that's why I tune in often!

I LOVE Mumford & Sons, haven't bought there CD yet but will, soon! In the meantime, Youtube is my addiction to tune in to them! Here's one of the songs I like!  Happy Saturday! May your day be wonderful and if it doesn't seem like it's going to be a great day, just change your mind-frame, think positive and watch it turn into a heck of a day! 

Video uploaded from You Tube.  I don't own the rights to this song, music or lyrics. You can go to to watch it directly.


  1. Hi Hon! Just nominated you for the Sunshine award! Please stop by my site to grab the award badge and leave a comment there to let me know you got it! Congrats!

  2. Seriously? No way!!!! Wow, Thanks a bunch for the nomination!


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