So there I am minding my own business after having updated my personal blog earlier this this my personal blog, main blog, or what? hmmm...sorry, didn't mean to go off on a tangent! But (cue excited voice) I had just gotten in from running errands and vegetating on the couch in front of the TV, when I got a ding on my phone, looked who pinged me and saw an emailed comment from one of my blogger friends, whom I follow, yeah, she has a blog too, a very, VERY popular blog - Menopausal Mother, Marcie stopped by and dropped me a note...wanna hear what she said...(oh yes, her blog is pretty great, I like reading with her when I get the chance to)...?
Wow, I'm so honored! I've never gotten an award like that before, at least, I've never been nominated before so, I am honored! Here's the award nomination:
I'm one of a group of 12 bloggers nominated for this award! Sweet! I thank you Marcie for thinking of my little blog! So in accepting this nomination (and I do accept), there are a few rules:
"Hi Hon! Just nominated you for the Sunshine award! Please stop by my site to grab the award badge and leave a comment there to let me know you got it! Congrats!"
Me: Seriously? No way!!!! Wow, Thanks a bunch for the nomination!
Wow, I'm so honored! I've never gotten an award like that before, at least, I've never been nominated before so, I am honored! Here's the award nomination:
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The Sunshine Blogger Award |
I'm one of a group of 12 bloggers nominated for this award! Sweet! I thank you Marcie for thinking of my little blog! So in accepting this nomination (and I do accept), there are a few rules:
Include award logo in blog post and thank the blogger who gave it to you & include a link backAnswer 10 questions about yourself that you have made up yourself (yeah, I know, kinda weird)Nominate 10-12 bloggers for the award and contact them at their blog site to inform them
O.M.Gosh! So now I have to answer 10, TEN questions about me....and nominate 10-12 other bloggers....?! OK! ~grins~
Couldn't you guys just throw some questions at, I'll do it!
1) Why did I name my blog Foreverserenity...especially, why is it d-foreverserenity in the address?
To answer the latter part first, was already taken so when d-foreverserenity was suggested, I accepted that as my website address!
As for why did I choose that name for my blog. Several years ago, my mom was pretty ill. I was searching around online for answers, and oh, I don't know what else. I "bumped" into a website of bloggers, they were the coolest, greatest group of people ever and I decided to become a member. I named myself Foreverserenity because I was looking for that in my life, some peace, calm, Serenity, to help me cope with everything I was going through. Hoping to always be at peace, I became ForeverSerenity. That's been my online moniker for several years now.
2) What's up with your hair? LOL! I know you guys probably want to know about that! Well, I don't use a relaxer in my hair anymore. That's what us black folks refer to as a Creme, or the popular creamy-crack...I don't call it that, but it is in away because it does become addictive!! Over the years I've always taken a break from relaxing and straightening my hair because of the stress the entire process put my hair through. I've always had a beautiful head of hair, my parents blessed me nicely! I would braid my hair, using other types of hair attachments in my own natural hair and that would be my "look" for six months to a year! At that time my own hair would also grow really strong, and with less breakage. But after that, I would go back to using the relaxer. Forward 25 years later, my hair was so thin, constantly breaking, I decided to just stop relaxing my hair. It has been oh about one - two years now I would say. The only chemical I do use is hair color. I'm not a natural hair fanatic (most of us really aren't), but I do love the texture of my hair now and the versatility in styling. I can also still wear a wig, or do a blow-out to make it straight if I so choose! I feature my hair on Me 'n my Fro on my blog!
3) What are the names of your children?
Jessica is 23, Adam is 18 and Amanda is 11. I have a grandson Jaden who is 3+ (4 in January) - I have some photos of them and my hubby Michael on my pages, Photojournal and Eats!
4) Why do you blog?
Well, in question one I shared how I became Foreverserenity so I guess this question is next! I blog because it has become a favorite thing for me to do, a hobby I love. I also love to share with others. I like talking to people, making friends, even though I don't have a hundred followers or get many comments, but I do from time to time which is awesome! :) I'm up to 20 followers which is amazing! Make that 19 because somehow I'm following myself with my Twitter acct!lol! I don't know how I did that! I really love to write my thoughts down and it is a way that I vent a lot of my emotions by writing. I often find the answer to what I'm looking for when I begin to write and what I'm writing usually turns into something really surprising. Also often when I read anything that sounds interesting, or see something interesting, I share it on my blog or on my Twitter acct.
5) Does your family know that you talk about them? Yes, I tell them and they know that I take pictures and share it too. I don't give personal things up about them, but I'll share little stories or use an experience that I feel someone can learn from. Sometimes however, my experiences might be shared because by writing it down, it helps me to process what I've been through, hence I blog! They don't read my blog...hopefully one day they will have an interest and do read with me! My youngest daughter Amanda loves to look at the pictures I post and loves when I talk about her! (as for extended family, my youngest sibling does read my blog from time to time, Love you O!)
6) What do you do for a living? I work in an office. I love doing what I do, but there's been a lot going on that I won't get into. Let's just say I'm finding my way back to me! :)
7) What's your favorite music? It varies, Pop, Indie, Reggae, Gospel, Soul, Soft Rock....Have you read any of my Musical Obsession articles? Search my blog, go take a look!
8) What's your favorite thing to do? I love doing different things that gives me pleasure but my favorite thing to do? I never really thought about that.....? Gosh....I love making my children and hubby happy. I love talking to my girlfriends, Jannette, Annie, Tina, Juliette, Linda. Some I do more than the others but they're great friends! I love having my feet rubbed, hubby does that for me quite often! I love to pray..I love talking to God sharing my fears, my hopes, my dreams. But I guess my favorite thing to do is to relax and tune out and watch some of my favorite television series; Go to the beach; Workout because it relaxes me; Drink the perfect cup of Tea or coffee or Iced Latte; Eat chocolate!
9) Are you always nice and optimistic? No! lol! I try to be but I'm not always. I have my moments when I'm really moody. I get mad, or pissed off depending on who or why! I get upset, I cry, I get depressed! I fret, I worry! I feel blue! I have my fears! I take too much of other peoples problems on! I get mad at my kids! I get mad at my hubby! I curse like a sailor! Whew! Hey, I'm only human! I'm not anyone's superwoman, supermom or otherwise...even though I try to be! I do not stay that way for long. I find that being negative all of the time only brings other negativity in, and it brings all the bad energy around, making everyone unhappy! I wallow and I get out of the funk I'm in. I pray, I laugh, I listen to music, I workout, I share, I encourage others and I eat chocolate, and drink Wine, Beer or Coke Zero!lol! I try to help when I can. I try to look at life as half full not half empty. (I succeed 90% of the times...perhaps 85%) The other 15% I'm my human self!
10) Where do you see your blog five years from now? I hope it's still around! It probably will be but I do hope I'm still here alive and well and sharing! I also hope I will get to the point that I hope to with blogging. Writing often, sharing even more people at home in the USA and worldwide. I tend to fly under the radar at times. Maybe I'll be the "Oprah" of blogging!lol! I do however hope to become the Go-to blogger that other people will come to when they want to feel hope and optimistic and have some laughter! To even chat about life and share their experiences!
Are you still there dear readers? Whew, what a lot of chatter with this writing! Well, I need to do a little more so please be patient with me!
I like reading other bloggers, that I don't get to visit with often. Some are listed
on my Link Up page and some listed on my Dashboard and my side bar! Some I haven't even gotten around to listing but I visit them often. I will learn to comment more and not be a stranger/lurker! So let me see if I can list 10 bloggers ....Marcie would be on this list, but she's already received the Sunshine Award I can't list her! (unless I have that wrong)
My 10 Awesome Sunshine Bloggers are:
No. 10, though last but not least is reserved for my friend Kelly who is one of the most awesomest writers that I know! I love her work! I have to find her most recent site though, she's had a couple. But maybe I'll just put the one I still have listed on my blog here: - this alone doesn't do her justice! :-)
Edited to say that I've done the job of adding a total of 10 bloggers whom I do LOVE to read! They're on the Dashboard, Linkup and Sidebar of my blog! I don't always respond to what they write, just some of the times, but I do love their writings! I hope you will check them out! When I began this article, while I was writing I let something that I had read somewhere else totally changed my mindset. The minds of people are so dark and ignorant at times, it just slays me! But I'm over it and I've moved on! I'm thankful for the nomination and I will stop by each blog to let these bloggers know that I've nominated them!
Kudos to my fellow nominees!
3) What are the names of your children?
Jessica is 23, Adam is 18 and Amanda is 11. I have a grandson Jaden who is 3+ (4 in January) - I have some photos of them and my hubby Michael on my pages, Photojournal and Eats!
4) Why do you blog?
Well, in question one I shared how I became Foreverserenity so I guess this question is next! I blog because it has become a favorite thing for me to do, a hobby I love. I also love to share with others. I like talking to people, making friends, even though I don't have a hundred followers or get many comments, but I do from time to time which is awesome! :) I'm up to 20 followers which is amazing! Make that 19 because somehow I'm following myself with my Twitter acct!lol! I don't know how I did that! I really love to write my thoughts down and it is a way that I vent a lot of my emotions by writing. I often find the answer to what I'm looking for when I begin to write and what I'm writing usually turns into something really surprising. Also often when I read anything that sounds interesting, or see something interesting, I share it on my blog or on my Twitter acct.
5) Does your family know that you talk about them? Yes, I tell them and they know that I take pictures and share it too. I don't give personal things up about them, but I'll share little stories or use an experience that I feel someone can learn from. Sometimes however, my experiences might be shared because by writing it down, it helps me to process what I've been through, hence I blog! They don't read my blog...hopefully one day they will have an interest and do read with me! My youngest daughter Amanda loves to look at the pictures I post and loves when I talk about her! (as for extended family, my youngest sibling does read my blog from time to time, Love you O!)
6) What do you do for a living? I work in an office. I love doing what I do, but there's been a lot going on that I won't get into. Let's just say I'm finding my way back to me! :)
7) What's your favorite music? It varies, Pop, Indie, Reggae, Gospel, Soul, Soft Rock....Have you read any of my Musical Obsession articles? Search my blog, go take a look!
8) What's your favorite thing to do? I love doing different things that gives me pleasure but my favorite thing to do? I never really thought about that.....? Gosh....I love making my children and hubby happy. I love talking to my girlfriends, Jannette, Annie, Tina, Juliette, Linda. Some I do more than the others but they're great friends! I love having my feet rubbed, hubby does that for me quite often! I love to pray..I love talking to God sharing my fears, my hopes, my dreams. But I guess my favorite thing to do is to relax and tune out and watch some of my favorite television series; Go to the beach; Workout because it relaxes me; Drink the perfect cup of Tea or coffee or Iced Latte; Eat chocolate!
9) Are you always nice and optimistic? No! lol! I try to be but I'm not always. I have my moments when I'm really moody. I get mad, or pissed off depending on who or why! I get upset, I cry, I get depressed! I fret, I worry! I feel blue! I have my fears! I take too much of other peoples problems on! I get mad at my kids! I get mad at my hubby! I curse like a sailor! Whew! Hey, I'm only human! I'm not anyone's superwoman, supermom or otherwise...even though I try to be! I do not stay that way for long. I find that being negative all of the time only brings other negativity in, and it brings all the bad energy around, making everyone unhappy! I wallow and I get out of the funk I'm in. I pray, I laugh, I listen to music, I workout, I share, I encourage others and I eat chocolate, and drink Wine, Beer or Coke Zero!lol! I try to help when I can. I try to look at life as half full not half empty. (I succeed 90% of the times...perhaps 85%) The other 15% I'm my human self!
10) Where do you see your blog five years from now? I hope it's still around! It probably will be but I do hope I'm still here alive and well and sharing! I also hope I will get to the point that I hope to with blogging. Writing often, sharing even more people at home in the USA and worldwide. I tend to fly under the radar at times. Maybe I'll be the "Oprah" of blogging!lol! I do however hope to become the Go-to blogger that other people will come to when they want to feel hope and optimistic and have some laughter! To even chat about life and share their experiences!
Are you still there dear readers? Whew, what a lot of chatter with this writing! Well, I need to do a little more so please be patient with me!
I like reading other bloggers, that I don't get to visit with often. Some are listed
on my Link Up page and some listed on my Dashboard and my side bar! Some I haven't even gotten around to listing but I visit them often. I will learn to comment more and not be a stranger/lurker! So let me see if I can list 10 bloggers ....Marcie would be on this list, but she's already received the Sunshine Award I can't list her! (unless I have that wrong)
My 10 Awesome Sunshine Bloggers are:
No. 10, though last but not least is reserved for my friend Kelly who is one of the most awesomest writers that I know! I love her work! I have to find her most recent site though, she's had a couple. But maybe I'll just put the one I still have listed on my blog here: - this alone doesn't do her justice! :-)
Edited to say that I've done the job of adding a total of 10 bloggers whom I do LOVE to read! They're on the Dashboard, Linkup and Sidebar of my blog! I don't always respond to what they write, just some of the times, but I do love their writings! I hope you will check them out! When I began this article, while I was writing I let something that I had read somewhere else totally changed my mindset. The minds of people are so dark and ignorant at times, it just slays me! But I'm over it and I've moved on! I'm thankful for the nomination and I will stop by each blog to let these bloggers know that I've nominated them!
Kudos to my fellow nominees!
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Thank you for reading with me. I would love to hear your thoughts on what you just read!