The Choices You Make in Life

Sometimes you just don't know.  You don't know the outcome of the things you hope for and dream about.  You don't know the reasons why some things happen the way they do.  You don't know who you think you do know, not at all.

I'm reading an email I received from one of the Social Medial Sites I'm a part of, and noticed a detail at the end of the email where I have the choice to "ignore the sender"; "stop receiving email"; "change my email preferences"; "block anything from this user"...which are not bad choices really.  This is America and you do have the right to choose what you do, whom you choose to follow, hang with, etc.  This is especially useful if you believe an individual is a stalker or you feel you might be at risk from them.  I actually like that you can utilize these tools to suit your preference!

Then there's also the other coin of it. What if it is someone who you do know, or have come to know?  What if the friendship you think is there isn't reciprocated, but you just don't know?  Well, you might realize this when you notice the lack of interaction on the part of the other user.  What if this person, who could also be related to you (because this type of behavior is not just from strangers), just dislikes you for some reason that you don't know about?  It is also difficult to see when things go to the extreme of monosyllabic responses or interactions that absolutely makes you wonder?  How do you defend yourself against that?  Do you even want to bother?  Perhaps not. To me if you reach out and it's not reciprocated, then it is a sign that it is time to let this individual go. Because nothing you do will make them warm up to you. You don't want to be with anyone who makes you feel bad about yourself!

It is time to slowly back away because life is too short!  There are more important things to deal with and sitting and worrying over anyone who really don't have you at heart, isn't important.  It will sting a little, however, the ache will eventually fade.  We all have our moments when life can be a bitch and it sucks like hell but you carry on!  Don't let anyone make you feel less than who you are because they are not worth it! Live your best life dear readers, the time is now. Choose to live your life with abundance!

Music uploaded from I do not own the song, lyrics or rights to this video.  The music is being used to showcase musicality and love of music. You can watch the video directly at
