As this year comes to a close soon, and the new one is on top of us, in a sense, I'm sure you can count the ways of how this year 2012 has been for each of you dear readers. Pull up a chair, grab your favorite drink and maybe a chocolate or anything else that will soothe your soul and walk with me on this journey. We must learn to keep our heads high, our hearts filled with love, and our spirits re-newed. We must never ever let anyone let us feel less than we are. And we must always continue to be true to ourselves, to the truth that makes you, you, and me, me!
Oh yes there will be times when our spirit wanes, we feel let down, deflated, stepped upon, made to feel less than we are. But we will not sit and let those who continue to drain our souls do that anymore. We will move forward, and on to bigger and better. Because we are better than we think we are. We might have fallen on the way to realized our dreams, we might have stopped too weary to continue. Being beaten down by not just the ones who we don't know, but also, sometimes, the ones we love, and we think would have our backs! You feel me dear readers?
As this new year rolls around, don't look on this as making a Resolution, look on this as your mantra, your motivation to a better you. Whatever your plans are, make them and do them; one by one, by one. You know the going won't be easy. You'll see that this is the time when even more negativity will come at you, try to distract you and continue to break your soul. But don't let them, do not give in! Pray, and walk in the path that God has laid for you. It has always been there dear readers. We just get so caught up on our life-distractions to see it. We get blinded by the mini-awards-of-good-things we experience, only to be dragged down again and again. We lose focus, and again, we continue in that same cycle! I say change it up! Yes, don't start with the first thing on your list, start with Number 5, and don't do it the way you planned on doing it, ask for guidance, ask God to lead you and just let go! And do not tell that person that is going to talk you out of what you plan on doing. Keep it to yourself! Just do it. You'll see yourself walking around with a smile on your face, a pep to your step!
This is Operation Motivation!
Oh yes there will be times when our spirit wanes, we feel let down, deflated, stepped upon, made to feel less than we are. But we will not sit and let those who continue to drain our souls do that anymore. We will move forward, and on to bigger and better. Because we are better than we think we are. We might have fallen on the way to realized our dreams, we might have stopped too weary to continue. Being beaten down by not just the ones who we don't know, but also, sometimes, the ones we love, and we think would have our backs! You feel me dear readers?
As this new year rolls around, don't look on this as making a Resolution, look on this as your mantra, your motivation to a better you. Whatever your plans are, make them and do them; one by one, by one. You know the going won't be easy. You'll see that this is the time when even more negativity will come at you, try to distract you and continue to break your soul. But don't let them, do not give in! Pray, and walk in the path that God has laid for you. It has always been there dear readers. We just get so caught up on our life-distractions to see it. We get blinded by the mini-awards-of-good-things we experience, only to be dragged down again and again. We lose focus, and again, we continue in that same cycle! I say change it up! Yes, don't start with the first thing on your list, start with Number 5, and don't do it the way you planned on doing it, ask for guidance, ask God to lead you and just let go! And do not tell that person that is going to talk you out of what you plan on doing. Keep it to yourself! Just do it. You'll see yourself walking around with a smile on your face, a pep to your step!
This is Operation Motivation!
From the Facebook Page of Inspirational Quotes to Live and Learn |
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