In what do you believe? I think I have asked that question of you before dear readers? It is good to have a Faith that you believe in. However, that is not the only thing. You can also believe in yourself. While God does want us to praise His name and believe in Him; He does wants us to believe in ourselves. Having confidence in you and what you do is one of the biggest things you can do for yourself, which is quite a motivator. I've found that it is great to always have a positive attitude because it helps to keep you focus on your dreams.
One of the difficult things you will find it is to do however, is to keep that positive attitude! Because you will find this is when a lot of negative things come at you. Sometimes this negativity can be even your own self! Yes, we can be our own worse enemy! You've probably heard that phrase before! We "get inside our own heads" and we will talk ourselves out of the goodness that is happening to us in our lives. We often question anything good that happens, as if we don't deserve it. I'll confess that I sometimes do that. Not often, just sometimes! Then its almost as if I sit and wait for the "other shoe" to drop! What is that?! We are sabotaging ourselves!
What I've been learning to do is to accept the good that comes to me by saying "thank you" to God. Now even if you don't believe in the God that I do. Even if you don't believe in any religion. You may have some thing you believe in that you might not even realize! Go with it. I could tell you something else to convince you and change your mind as to why you do, but I won't. I'm not here to judge you or change your mind about anything; I'm here to encourage myself, and you too!
We both need help in getting rid of our negative ways of thinking. There's a website that I visit often (yeah, another one!) called They share great articles and information about everything! Heck, you can sign up to receive their daily newsletter! One of their recent articles "The 20-Minute Exercise to Eradicate Negative Thinking" written by KAIHAN KRIPPENDORFF is really worth the read! In this very motivating article he lays out the different reasons people may not believe in themselves, or anything else for that matter. The second part of his article is the section that gives you the good stuff! There he lays out what you can do to get rid of the negative thinking and release whatever is holding you back! Read article here
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