It has become that if you haven't realized it yet dear readers. To some people who do it, it's changed from a hobby, to something that makes money.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, nope! Go with me for a moment here dear readers, you started something that interests you, doing it on a regular basis because you find that it not only relaxes you, it gives you great joy and you're actually becoming better at it as time goes on! Now, if you are able to earn money doing something you love, why not? Isn't that like manna from heaven?!
This is why a lot of bloggers, are now harnessing their talents and putting their blog to even more use, earning extra money! For a lot of these people who blog, they have become pretty hardcore, it's their focus, it's their life! I can totally see how that happens! While I'm not on that page yet, eventually, like they have done, I hope to harness my talent for writing (and my salesmanship) into the extra-income earning power I need! If blogging is what you like doing, take a look around online and see what is going on out there. There are so many blogs from all over the world. I try to comment on the ones I like. Unfortunately, I don't get the chance to visit those blogs often!
Sometimes I'm lucky to, as I like to say, "bump" into a particular blog and If I like it, I will subscribe when the subscription link pops up! If you like the content you are reading, why not?! Some bloggers invite guest bloggers on their site. This is done for interest and variety. I find that guest blogging is definitely a great way to have more exposure, for both the owner blog site & the guest blogger! There are other ways to garner or guarantee more exposure, giving away "anything", or having a contest!
There are also annual blog events where many bloggers convene and interact attending workshops and conference-type events, in a day; weekend; or even a week! I've never been to one of these events, and hope to do so at some point. If you have always wanted to start a blog, I think you should just go ahead and do it! You will have fun creating your own little piece of the pie, and who knows, you might just be one of the lucky ones in this bizniz (business) of blogging that hits the high numbers! But a warning to you my dear reader, don't let that be the only reason why you do it, or you will be doom to failure! Do it because you love it!
Yes, this bizniz of blogging is one of my favorite past time; and while I might not be as savant as others, I do love my little site of heaven!
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, nope! Go with me for a moment here dear readers, you started something that interests you, doing it on a regular basis because you find that it not only relaxes you, it gives you great joy and you're actually becoming better at it as time goes on! Now, if you are able to earn money doing something you love, why not? Isn't that like manna from heaven?!

Sometimes I'm lucky to, as I like to say, "bump" into a particular blog and If I like it, I will subscribe when the subscription link pops up! If you like the content you are reading, why not?! Some bloggers invite guest bloggers on their site. This is done for interest and variety. I find that guest blogging is definitely a great way to have more exposure, for both the owner blog site & the guest blogger! There are other ways to garner or guarantee more exposure, giving away "anything", or having a contest!
There are also annual blog events where many bloggers convene and interact attending workshops and conference-type events, in a day; weekend; or even a week! I've never been to one of these events, and hope to do so at some point. If you have always wanted to start a blog, I think you should just go ahead and do it! You will have fun creating your own little piece of the pie, and who knows, you might just be one of the lucky ones in this bizniz (business) of blogging that hits the high numbers! But a warning to you my dear reader, don't let that be the only reason why you do it, or you will be doom to failure! Do it because you love it!
Yes, this bizniz of blogging is one of my favorite past time; and while I might not be as savant as others, I do love my little site of heaven!
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