It's confession time dear readers, I'm not going to lie to myself. I've gained way more than I wanted to since Summer last year! Yep, I've almost undone two years of dedicated walking, running, & swimming workouts I've done to lose 37 pounds!! Although it's not as bad as it seems, it's not that good either! While I do like myself, and I do like being curvy...I have been since adulthood! I absolutely do not like being uncomfortable in my clothing! I love to wear styles that flatter my body and at this point in time, I'm still wearing some of them, but with less confidence!
I continue to wear what still gives me a self-esteem boost, because that's one way of forcing myself to get back on a regular workout schedule. Another thing that regular exercise does for me, given my familial pre-disposition, is it keeps me healthy! I'm not getting any younger, so it's time to get back on that wagon!
I read an article by Wendy Bumgardner, of Cold Weather Walking, she gives some great tips on walking in the cold weather. You and I both know how difficult it can be to get ourselves motivated enough to workout, but to continue to be physically active during the colder months, well, that's a whole other thing! ~shivers~

In her article, Wendy said where you walk is important. If it is windy when you're walking, it is better to end your walk with the wind at your back. From experience, wise words! By the end of your walk or run, you're exhausted, having the wind at your back helps to push you forward! (from my experience!)
Chose sheltered routes. Agreed! If you're walking on a sunny day, especially if the sun is "in your eyes", having shady trees on your route is good. Plus, for those windy days, there will be less wind "coming at you"!
Try not to fall! It is absolutely imperative that you walk or run on a path that is free from debree, puddles or ice. So be sure to glance down if you know you will be coming up to a spot where it might be hilly, filled with stones or anything else that might cause you to fall.
Beware of cars! Yep, walk and run safely. Always look out for cars and do not run into the road. One of the things I have to look out for as well are other people!
If you can, use a running track! Great idea! I've been thinking of signing up with one of my local gyms that have an inside track, because of foot traffic & golf carts & bicycles as well as for the times when the weather is not good (wind &/or rain) but I want to work out!
Wendy also recommends to seek shelter. That means to know where you can go to if you need to get inside right away out of the bad weather or to take a break if you need to, or even to get help!
You can also walk your local mall on those bad-weather days. Have you ever walked your area Mall before? Don't you get a great workout just from walking? Nice idea!
And if all of the above is not possible, walking on your treadmill is always a great workout!
Take a look at her article on the website. Wendy has more suggestions on what you can do to prevent yourself from slipping and falling, what you should wear, etc.!
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