Would a Non-Believer go to Heaven?

d-foreverserenity.comI read a blog some time ago that got me thinking, if someone who is neither a Christian, nor an atheist, (they don’t claim to be either) does well all their life. They live an exemplary life, not getting into trouble, being a success in their own way, not necessarily wealthy or famous, and along the way help others when the need arise, dies, do you think they will go to heaven and have an everlasting life? Or are they doom and will go to hell?


How would you answer that?  If you’re a Christian, would you say this person will go to hell?  If you’re not a Christian, would you say this person will go to heaven?  We don’t need the definition of heaven at this point; you all know what heaven I'm talking about.

As a Christian and a believer in God and all that he represents, I would say that person would go to heaven.  Although many Christians are likely to say this person won’t because they have not been ‘washed by the blood’ i.e., have not been baptized and born again.  I've heard and it has been quoted to me time and again, you have to be born again in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Is that really so?  The bible has been re-written so many times, how do we know for sure that this is fact?

If you are a believer, does that mean you believe there is a God, you acknowledge his presence in your life and you live accordingly? Or if you’re a Christian, do you live by the Bible, in every way, strictly by the word of God without ever straying, following guidelines from your church, and think, live and eat only by your faith?  Anyone who comes across your path is subject to your beliefs and you deal with them only if they conform to what you think?

Hmmm, a lot to think about wouldn't you agree dear readers? I hope that what each of us represents for the good of our God, will get us to where he is eventually! 
