I'm Cool Like That!

Did you watch the Oscars recently dear readers?  No? Yes?  If you did, so did I!  I thought it was great!  Actually, I enjoyed it much more than I did last year! Perhaps it was Seth, whom I like as an Actor, or perhaps it was seeing Shirley Bassey, Barbra Streisand and Jennifer Hudson, and of course Adele!  The banter was great, it was a feel-good moment for Hollywood after all! Sometimes it's nice to step away from the madness of real-life to be a voyeur in movieland!

I Tweeted, as I do with most of the interesting programmings I watch, (such as Scandal)!  I was surprised to learn that one of the movies which received an Oscar actually got it's "feet off the ground" because of funding by way of Kickstarter!  Say what?  Amazing! Let me remind you of something my dear reader, didn't I just share with you information about KICKSTARTER?!!!!!  Oh yes, if you didn't read my article, go here!

I wrote that article before the Oscar broadcast.  While tweeting on Sunday evening, one of  my Tweeps, who I follow (& who follows me) tweeted:

Oscar Win Is a First for Kickstarter-Funded Film 

I promptly RT'd (retweeted) it! What a winning moment for the movie, Innocente, a project funded by Kickstarter!  And of course, the coinkydink of me writing my article about the crowdsource, Kickstarter...wait, I've said that already!lol!  "I'm cool like that, I'm cool like that...."
