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Ignore me, I'm just sitting here...[blank stare] |
Ignorance is bliss definition
Not knowing something is often more comfortable than knowing it.
Note : This proverb resembles “What you don't know cannot hurt you.”
It figures in a passage from “On a Distant Prospectof Eton College,” by the eighteenth-century English poetThomas Gray: “Where ignorance is bliss, / ‘Tis folly to bewise.’”
What got me to this is the number of people who just do and say the things they do and think it's OK?! I know we are in the electronic age, however, there are just some things that should not be posted online for the world to see, and make fun of the person who is too ignorant to realize that they shouldn't be doing it! Why not approach the person and say "Hey, did you know that...." or "No, that was wrong..." and have a conversation about whatever the person shouldn't have done? Instead everything is posted online for a quick laugh, or more likely for the ratings the person who posted it will get. It makes me shake my head to see what our society has become. It seems everyone wants their "fifteen minutes of fame" these days and seem to think that the world owes this to them?!
While there is nothing wrong with being famous, or even seeking the limelight, don't go out of your way and do things that are not right to get there! Its akin to selling your soul, and believe, me, what would you be without your humanity? I sure as heck don't want to know! I realize that sometimes not knowing is great, cause it helps you to keep your sanity, and what you don't know can't hurt you...well, back in the day, perhaps, but not these days! That saying just doesn't wash because it's even more important to have a good reputation! "Karma can be a bitch", and no matter how we go about it, skip around it, or hide from it, somehow, Karma comes full circle!
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